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Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

kumpulan kata kata sakit hati


Merindukanmu adalah hal yang menyakitkan, namun apalgi yang bisa kulakukan selain memendam dan diam.. ?

Masih ingatkah kamu pada susunan kata yang dulu kamu buat untuk sekedar menyatukan kita..?

Sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan "saling" harusnya dilakukan bersama. Jangan hanya satu orang saja yang berjuang.. Sakit!

Kapan ya aku bisa menjagamu, menyayangimu, mendampingimu seperti dia..

Aku lebih memilih pergi skrg. Aku sdh trlalu lelah menunggu kamu yg tak pernah berubah sikap. Sakit memang,tapi ku tau ini yg trbaik..

Tuhan walaupun dia bukan milikku tapi tolong jaga dia,Tolong buat di selalu tersenyum ,Dan semoga dia bahagia bersamanya.. (˘̩̩ʃƪ˘̩̩)

Semua impianku yang sudah aku rencanakan bersama kamu, hilang begitu saja karena dia.. :')

Tuhan, aku mencintainya aku ingin sisa hidupku kuhabiskan dengan dirinya..

Kamu adalah orang yang dapat membuat aku nyaman dalam keadaan apapun,baik suka maupun duka..

Aku dan Kamu masih saling merindukan, walau itu dalam diam kita. aku harap rasa ini masih ada..

Rindu adalah perasaan yang indah, Namun, utk kali ini, rindu membuatku tersiksa, merindukan seseorang yang hatinya tak lagi untukku..

Aku percaya, gak ada yg kebetulan di dunia ini.. Kita bertemu karna skenario Tuhan utk saling menyayangi dan melengkapi..

Sejauh apapun kamu pergi, seberubah apapun kmu nanti, sebagaimanapun masalah kita nnti, yg jelas kmu sudah mnjadi yg berarti di hati..

Aku tak ingin egoisku mmbuatmu terluka. mungkin aku kecewa, Tpi aku blajar melihat dari sudut pandangmu agar aku mampu mengerti kamu..

berjuang demi dapetin kamu itu ternyata harus rela dan berkorban sampai sakit-sakitan meskipun akhirnya kehilanganmu juga

Aku ingin kamu tersenyum & tetap bahagia meski nanti aku tak ada didunia tuk menemanimu..

Aku yakin, aku bisa lebih bahagia daripada kamu.. !

Sulit untuk melupakan kenangan-kenangan indah bersamamu.. Aku masih menantimu kembali, berharap melihat senyum indahmu lagi..

Hati ini terlalu indah untuk kamu tempati, lalu kamu tinggalkan begitu saja..

Apa kabar rindu yang bertepuk sebelah tangan, tanya pada hati kecilmu masihkah sanggup menopang rindu itu sendirian?

Kata org cinta mmg tak harus memiliki. Tapi sulit bagiku mencintai seseorang namun tidak bisa memilikinya..

Jika sudah seperti ini.. Aku yg kau salahkan? Sampai kapan aku harus bertahan dengan keegoisanmu ini..?

Kamu tak akan pernah tau seberapa besar rasa kecewa yg masih tersimpan di dalam diri ini, meski kau sudah bisa melihatku tertawa..

Aku akan tetap sabar, ikhlas, berserah dan belajar menerima apapun semua yang terjadi dengan kehidupanku..

Aku terlalu bodoh untuk selalu menunggumu,dan aku terlalu rapuh untuk memendam bebanku seorang diri.. :(

kamu tak seperti orang yg ku kenal dulu. Kamu berubah seiring waktu. Ku tau pasti aku mulai hilang dari hatimu :")

Aku lebih baik ngalah, daripada harus berantem sama kamu..

Tujuan kita sama , tapi belum tau jalan mana yg harus kita pilih untuk mencapainya..

Kita adalah tentang apa yang sudah tergaris, tergores hingga tragis..

Aku gak ingin banyak dari kamu,aku hanya ingin kamu bisa menerima aku apa adanya..

Kadang, perasaan cinta yg kurasakan seperti timbul dan tenggelam. Kadang menguat, kadang menghilang dalam gelap..

Saat (dulu) kita bersama, banyak hal bodoh yang kita lakukan. Sekarang, hanya bisa mengingat, manis tapi miris..

Kalau jodoh, perpisahan kita pasti sementara. Kalau Tuhan mau kita bersatu, kita akan dipertemukan lagi. Percayalah..

Apakah perhatianmu yang aku artikan dengan senang hati, hanyalah perhatian yang juga kamu berikan untuk orang lain?

Aku sayang kamu. aku juga benci kamu. Tapi kenapa kamu pergi ? :') ini kah arti perjuanganmu selama ini ? Aku benci!

Udh berusaha buat ngelupain! tapi yg namanya kepikiran...gak mau mikirin, tetep aja kepikiran kamu terus..

Aku tak bisa jika harus melihat kamu sedih..

Kalau ada pelukan ternyaman selain dipelukan ibu. Itu cuma di pelukanmu..

Mungkin tak kamu sadari betapa tulusnya kasih sayangku ini , sehingga dgn mudahnya kamu slalu menyakiti aku ..

Aku tak memandang siapa kamu, dari kalangan mana. Yang jelas aku merasakan nyaman dan bahagia ketika kamu ada..

You're not perfect, but you're all I want...

Menyakitkan adalah ketika aku sayang/cemburu sama kamu, tapi aku cuma bisa memendam rasa ini aja..

Apa kabar rindu yang bertepuk sebelah tangan, tanya pada hati kecilmu masihkah sanggup menopang rindu itu sendirian?

Seharusnya kamu mengerti , aku juga membutuhkan perhatianmu walau sekecil apapun itu.

Aku tidak pernah marah dengan perbuatanmu.. Karna aku yakin nanti kamu akan sadar sendiri dengan apa yang telah kamu perbuat padaku..

Hati ini akan selalu jadi milikmu selamanya..

Mengingat semua yang pernah kita lalui adalah kebiasaan ku disaat kamu jauh dan aku merindu..

Brsikaplah sesukamu.. itu dirimu :) itu lucumu :).. Tpi tidak dngan egomu :) ku harap kmu mengerti :)..

Kamu adalah refleksi dari tujuan hidupku. Kamu adalah refleksi dari alasanku untuk tetap hidup. Kamu, iya. itu kamu..

Bukan seperti ini caranya, kamu campakan aku begitu saja setelah kamu sudah benar2 membuatku jatuh cinta. Sungguh ini sakit..

Selamat pagi hati yang terluka pedih, masih sulitkah dirimu menemukan obatnya?

Jadi, kapan aku bisa panggil kamu cinta (lagi) ?

Karena kamu, aku menegerti banyak tentang kesabaran..

Apakah cinta seperti apa yang ada di bola matamu? Hingga tak ada satupun yang mampu menggeser kamu dari pikiranku?

Belum juga garis hati ini tersambung, bertemu, dan saling mengikat. tapi sudah putus ditengah perjuangan..

Kita pernah berjanji untuk bersama, tapi dunia inginkan kenyataan yang berbeda. Ikhlaskah?

Bagaimana caranya aku melepaskanmu, bahkan aku belum sempat merengkuhmu..

Sedang merindukan seseorang? Doakan saja yang terbaik untuknya, masalah rindumu berbalas ataupun enggak itu belakangan..

Selamat pagi kamu yang jam segini lagi gelisah nunggu ucapan selamat pagi dari seseorang sampe lupa sarapan..

Lelah hati ini trsakiti tanpa terobati,Ingin ku berlari dari kenyataan ini.. Hapuskan semua luka yg datang menghampiriku..

Kuingin kau mngerti rasa cnta ini,Tumbuh prlahan murni dri dlm hati. Sebagai bukti bhwa aku milikmu,Bila cnta dtang mnghampirimu nnti.

Disaat jantung ini tak berdetak lagi itulah saat aku berhenti mencintaimu..

Tak ada yang tau dibalik senyumku ini ada sejuta luka yang kusembunyikan..

Bahagia-bahagianya ke dia. Luka-lukanya ke aku, setelah aku obati luka kamu. Pas kamu sembuh, balik lagi ke dia. Thx loh ini :*

Ngapain jadian sama dia? Sama aku aja. Emangnya dia bisa mencintai kamu sedalam aku mencintai kamu?

Harusnya, kamu juga perlu tahu, sakitnya dicari hanya saat butuh. Maka, kautak akan lakukan hal itu, termasuk padaku..

Kamu abis buat aku syg sma kmu,buat aku kpikiran kmu,buat aku tau yg nmanya rindu. Trus km prgi dri hdupku tnpa pamit.. Thx loh ini :*

Aku tak akan pernah berhenti untuk selalu mencintaimu sampai maut menjemputku..

Gatau kenapa liat bapak-bapak gendong anaknya itu keren. Apalagi ada istrinya disampingnya. Suatu saat kita pst kyagtu. Lucu,romantis.

Tak akan pernah ada yang bisa menggantikan posisi kamu dihatiku..

Sedihku cukup aku yang tau, kamu cukup tau bahwa aku baik-baik saja :')

Janji cinta.. yang kau berikan.. Ternyata.. tak sama.. Pengorbananku.. slama ini.. Hanyalah sia.. sia..

Aku tau aku memang tak sempurna,tapi percayalah cintaku ini begitu sempurna untukmu..

Aku menantimu, dalam diam tanpa kata, dalam rindu dalam doa..

Buat kamu yang disana, semoga kamu baik-baik ajah :')

Aku amat mencintaimu.. Mungkin itu salah satu alasan mengapa aku tetap bertahan walaupun jarak memisahkan begitu jauh ragaku dgnmu ..

Cinta aku ke kamu itu tulus, Jadi aku ga peduli apa yang orang bilang..

Walau mungkin kamu tak akan bisa menjadi milikku. Tapi, aku tetap bersyukur karena telah dipertemukan dengan kamu..

Keindahan dunia bagiku simple, cukup bisa bersamamu sudah lebih dari cukup..

Aku cuma mau bilang selamat malam.. Semoga aku jadi mimpi terindahmu..

Aku sudah kehilangan ragamu karna adanya jarak. Maka dari itu, aku tak menginginkan kehilangan cinta dan perhatianmu..

Senyumanku ini seperti perban. Menutupi luka , Tapi sakitnya masih terasa..

Belajar untuk tidak memaksakan orang yang kita cintai untuk mencintai kita itu ,tak segampang saat aku jatuh hati kepadamu..

Ketakutan terbesarku adalah ketika aku harus kehilangan kmu..

kadang kamu membuatku merasa hanya aku yg ada dihatimu.tapi kadang kamu membuatku merasakan pahitnya cinta.

kumpulan kata kata cinta 2014


Aku tercipta dalam waktu, untuk mengisi waktu, selalu memperbaiki diri di setiap waktu, dan semua waktu ku adalah untuk mencintai kamu.
Mungkin Aku lahir kedunia untuk mencintaimu, dan kau terlahir untuk aku cintai.
Berada dipelukanmu itu mengajarkanku apa arti kenyamanan yang sempurna :)
Kau bagaikan hujan dan aku hanyalah bumi yang gersang, kau sirami aku dengan rintik-rintik kebahagiaan.
I know I can't be like them, I don't have what they have. but at least I have a heart that loves you sincerely ?
I love it when you don't treat me like others, because it makes me feel special
when I look sad, come to me and cheer me up, and when I'm happy, move close to me and enjoy it with me ?
I love the way you can make me feel comfortable, tell me that everything is gonna be okay.
Aku gak tau sampai kapan usiaku, tapi aku yakin cintaku selamanya untukmu
Dalam kesendirianku.. bayangan dirimu masih selalu datang menghampiri.. memelukku dan menguatkanku ..
2 hal yang harus kau tau saat aku jauh darimu. 1- aku rindu kamu. 2- bahkan rindumu tak mampu mengalahkan rinduku.
Jiwaku tenggelam dalam hangatnya dekap kasih sayang darimu. Aku tak mau beranjak darimu... Tak mau...
Tuhan..jagalah ia yang jauh disana, lindungi tiap detik hidup yang ia lewati,sayangi dia melebihi engkau menyayangiku.
Aku sedang merasakan kangen akan semua kebiasaan mu yang biasa ku jumpai saat kamu di sisiku.
Kapan kau akan berhenti menyakitiku, lelah ku hadapi semua ini tapi aku tak bisa memungkiri aku sangat mencintaimu.
Denganmu aku bahagia hidupku di penuhi warna, namun jika kamu tinggalkan aku mungkin yang terisa hanya derita yang hanya akan mencabik jiwa.
You never know what you have until you lost it, and something that has been lost, it would be difficult to get back to you.
Bersandarlah dipundakku sampai kau nyaman..sudah keharusan bagiku tuk buat kau nyaman.
Jangan pernah kamu sembunyikan jika punya masalah, sekecil apapun ceritakanlah padaku. Masalahmu masalahku juga kan sayang? :')
Kasih... Seberat apapun beban yang akan kita hadapi, percayalah akan selalu ada aku yang menemani
Saat jarak memisahkan, satu yang perlu kau percayai dariku, kan ku jaga cinta ini hanya untukmu
Aku sungguh sungguh mencintaimu, dan aku berharap kau akan selalu ada di setiap langkah kehidupanku..tetaplah bersamaku
Di tiap kali engkau mengedipkan mata, ada yang berdebar lebih lama di dadaku.
Dari jauh aku mendo'akanmu, do'a yang bukan sekedar kata-kata, melainkan sesuatu yang air matapun tak sanggup menterjemahnya.
Ketakutan terbesar dalam hidupku bukan kehilanganmu, tapi melihat dirimu kehilangan kebahagiaanmu .

Ketika tulus, kamu tak akan menyesali pernah mencintai seseorang, tapi kamu mungkin menyesal telah percaya dia mencintaimu juga.
Cinta slalu Setia pada Hati, tak peduli betapa hebat logika. Tapi kamu harus tahu kapan tuk gunakan logika agar hatimu tak terus terluka.
Jangan takut mencinta, hanya karena pernah terluka. Cinta sejati tak datang begitu saja, tapi melalui proses sedih dan tawa bersama.
Berhenti mencari seseorang yang sempurna tuk dicintai, lebih baik belajar dan persiapkan diri menjadi seorang yang pantas tuk dicintai.
Jangan pernah ucapkan selamat tinggal jika masih ingin mencoba. Jangan pernah katakan tak cinta jika masih mengharapkannya.
Jika kamu tulus mencintanya, jangan pernah hiasi matanya dgn air mata, telinganya dgn dusta, dan hatinya dgn luka.
Ketika jatuh cinta, jangan berjanji tak saling menyakiti, namun berjanjilah tuk tetap bertahan, meski salah satu tersakiti.
Air mata adalah satu-satunya cara bagaimana mata berbicara ketika bibir tak mampu menjelaskan apa yang telah membuat perasaanmu terluka.
Sulit tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal pada dia yang kamu cinta, tapi lebih sulit lagi ketika kenangan bersamanya tak hilang begitu saja.
Seseorang yang berarti, tak akan dengan mudah kamu miliki. Jika kamu sungguh mencintai, jangan pernah berhenti berusaha untuk hati.
Seseorang memilih tuk sendiri, bukan karena takut tuk mencinta lagi, tapi karena takut terluka dengan alasan yang sama tuk kedua kali.
Jangan pernah manfaatkan cinta. tak peduli betapa dia mencintaimu, suatu saat dia pasti akan lelah karena terus terluka.
Terkadang kamu takut terlalu dekat dgn seseorang, karena kamu tahu dia bisa pergi kapan saja, tak peduli betapa dekat kamu dan dia.
Senyum tak selalu berarti seseorang bahagia. Kadang seseorang tersenyum hanya karena tak ingin menjelaskan kenapa hatinya terluka.
Cinta itu ibarat bara api, dia menghangatkan hatimu jika diungkapkan dgn Tulus. Jika tidak, dia akan menghanguskanmu.
Hidup tak bisa jadi lebih baik tanpa cinta, tapi cinta dengan cara yang salah membuat hidup jadi lebih buruk.
Ketika dia yang kamu cinta melakukan salah, tak perlu memberitahu semua temanmu, karena bukan mereka yang akan memaafkan, tapi kamu.
Ketika kamu patah hati, jangan menyerah. Cinta sejati itu ada. Kamu hanya harus temukan dia yang setia dan bertahan padanya.
Jangan tangisi dia yang telah meninggalkanmu. Tersenyumlah! Kamu tak pernah tahu akan ada seseorang yang jatuh cinta dengan senyummu.
Jika senyum adalah melodi jiwa, maka cinta adalah anugerah dari hati, karena itu yang dirasakan ketika dia yang berarti menghampiri.
Terkadang lebih baik menjauhi seseorang. Bukan karena berhenti mencinta, namun karena harus melindungi diri agar tak terus terluka.
Dalam cinta, ketika seseorang memutuskan tuk meninggalkanmu, jangan pernah biarkan dia membawa serta hatimu.
Beberapa kesalahan dalam hidup ini terjadi hanya tuk mengungkapkan siapa saja yang pantas kamu cintai dan siapa yang tidak.
Berhenti berharap pada seseorang yang kamu tahu jauh di dalam hatimu bahwa dia tak akan pernah bisa menjadi milikimu.
Dalam cinta, ketika ada yang berbeda, jangan mencari siapa yang salah, karena kamu dan dia adalah tim yang sama dengan tujuan yang sama.
Kadang kamu harus buat keputusan tuk mengalah, atau kamu akan kehilangan dia yang kamu cinta hanya karena kamu keras kepala.
Ketika dia memutuskan tuk meninggalkanmu, itu bukan akhir dari kisahmu, itu hanya akhir dari bagian ttng dia dalam kisah hidupmu.
Jika kamu mencintai seseorang lebih dari yang pantas dia dapatkan, kamu akan berakhir lebih terluka dari yang pantas kamu dapatkan.
Dalam cinta, jangan mengharapkan seseorang tuk tetap bersamamu, jika yang kamu beri padanya hanya alasan tuk meninggalkanmu.
Dalam cinta, kamu tahu dia bukan orang yang tepat tuk hidupmu, ketika kamu merasa lebih sepi daripada ketika kamu masih sendiri.
Semua orang bisa menyukaimu, namun hanya kepribadian dan sikapmu yang membuat mereka ingin tetap bersamamu.

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

cheat / codes Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's Awakening

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Cheats

Unlock Almost Everything

At the start menu hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 then rotate the Left Analog Stick. You will here a voice say "Devil May Cry" and all modes, costumes, and galleries will be unlocked. Note that you must still complete the stages and buy your skills normally. This code is verified for the U.S. and Japanese versions only.

Clear Game Art

After beating DMC3 in Easy or Normal Mode, the Illustratiosn Gallery is unlocked together with your first piece of artwork for the Clear Art section. To unlock the other 9 pieces of artwork, specific requirements are needed. There is no artwork to unlock for Heaven Or Hell Mode.

  1. Clear easy difficulty
  2. clear normal difficulty
  3. Achieve rank on all missions (normal difficulty)
  4. Achieve SS rank on all missions (normal difficulty)
  5. Clear hard difficulty
  6. Achieve S rank on all missions (hard difficulty)
  7. Achieve SS rank on all missions (hard difficulty)
  8. Clear Dante Must Die difficulty
  9. Achieve ...

Devil Arms

  • Cerberus - Complete Mission 3.
  • Agni & Rudra - Finish Mission 5.
  • Nevan - Complete Mission 9.
  • Beowulf - Above the starting spot in Mission 14.


  • Shotgun - Inside the bar in mission 3. This is after unlocking the blue exit door.
  • Artemis - Find and use all three essences on the laser machine in mission 5.
  • Spiral - The outdoor area in mission 9 has a high area near a waterfall; jump to the high area for the gun.
  • Kalina Ann - Defeat the mission 16 boss.


  • To unlock Hard Mode beat Normal Mode
  • To unlock Dante Must Die beat Hard Mode
  • To unlock Heaven or Hell beat Dante Must die

Alternate Ending

Kill 100 enemies during the credits to get a different ending screen.


Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters.
  • Beat the game on easy for shirtless Dante
  • Beat the game on normal for Devil May Cry 1 Dante
  • Beat the game on hard for shirtless (nekkid) Dante.
  • Beat the game on hard to unlock the Legendary Dark Knight
  • Beat the game on hard to unlock Sparda

Infinite Devil Trigger

Beat Dante must die mode to unlock the Devil Trigger.

First Level Orbs

Here's a simple way to collect orbs rapidly. Use the Mission Select option and return to the very first level. Kill all of the spawns on this level, and complete it in its entirety. If you're quick about this, you'll get an awesome bonus for quick level completion, and you'll also gain a lot of orbs after they're dropped by fallen enemies. You can easily collect 4,000-6,000 orbs per trip through the stage. Repeating this will allow you to collect a mass of orbs that you can then use.

Play With A Buddy

The Doppelganger style allows a second player (using an Analog 2 controller) to join the fun be pressing START. Note the camera only follows the first player (Dante), although the Doppelganger is invincible.

Orb Mania

A great place for orbs is the fifth secret mission found on stage 9. Go through the level untill you get to the area where you get the spiral. Go through the passageway underneath the waterfall and up through a small tunnel directly across from where you. The secret mission is marked by a few bright glowing crystals. Once inside you must destroy every breakable object within 40 seconds. The jukebox contains 500 red orbs, although there are many other things to smash as well. Since you can repeatedly pass/fail this mission and not encounter any enemies, you can repeat this process for lots o...

The Trial Of Intelligence

In mission 5, the trial of intelligence involves a hazy and misleading clue. Take a look at the skulls above each doorway and note how many "red dots" there are. Each door will thus have one, two, three, or four red dots. Enter doors 4, 2, and 3 to claim the essence of intelligence. How this relates to the riddle printed on the trial's pedastel is a question best answered by Capcom's translation department.
Submitted by - troublejoker
The riddle in Mission six for Trial of Intelligence is the classic "Riddle of the Sphinx" from greek mythology. The Door with four dots represents a baby's h...

Pick A Boss

In mission 18, you need to fight several bosses all over again. The different coloured lights on each "Mega Man" boss platform corresponds to:
  • Orange - various demons
  • Light Blue - Cerberus
  • Gold - Gigapede
  • Green - Agni and Rudra
  • Red - Leviathan
  • Purple - Nevan
  • White - Beowulf
  • Blue - Geyron
  • Black - Doppelganger

Clip Reloading

Tap L2 after firing a slow to reload weapon (i.e., shotgun) and flick it back to fire it again. It is slightly faster than waiting for the weapon to reload.

Unlock All Modes

On the title screen hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 + UP + LEFT on the D-Pad and DOWN + RIGHT on the left joystick. A sound cue will play and you should have all modes and costumes unlocked.
Submitted by bbbtggh
Verified by berserker_kev
Hold L1 + R1 + R2 + L2 + UP + LEFT then pull left analog stick down and rotate to right.

All costumes, all bonus modes, and everything in the gallery unlocked (Japanese Version?)

Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 and rotate the left analog stick until you hear "Devil May Cry"


Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

PS2 Bully Cheats

Unlockable: Costumes
Black Ninja Outfit - Complete your yearbook.
Black Skate Shoes - Run 50.00km on foot
BMX Champion - Finish bike races.
Boxing Outfit - Win 'Boxing Challenge' or 'Prep Challenge' in Chapter 2.
Crash Helmet - Win the Kart Race at the Carnival
Dunce Hat - Turn on all the showers in boys locker room.
Edna Mask - Break 19/19 Tombstones during Halloween
Fast Food - Finish the Burger Joint errand found in Bullworth Vale.
Firefighter's Helmet - Pull the Fire Alarm 20 times
Gnome Costume - Break all garden gnomes.
Gold Suit - Buy all clothes.
Green Ninja Outfit - Make 1000 projectiles hits.
Grotto Master - Get all G&G cards.
Jimmy's Skeleton Halloween costume - Successfully complete the "The Candidate" mission to unlock the "Halloween" mission.
Orderly uniform - Successfully complete "Finding Johnny Vincent" in Chapter 5.
Pirate hat - Beat up the pirate on the island near the beach house.
Prison uniform - Successfully complete all the detention mini-games.
Pumpkinhead mask - Destroy all 27 pumpkins around the school and inside the main building during the "Halloween" event.
Red ninja costume - Successfully complete the Big Prank task during Halloween at Bullworth Academy. School mascot costume - Successfully complete "Nice Outfit" in Chapter 4.
Tiny swimsuit - Find the preppie with a blue mission on the beach at the beach house and beat his swimming time
Wrestling uniform - Successfully complete Gym 1.

Unlockable: Beatrice
Finish 'That Bitch' in Chapter One.

Unlockable: Beatrice as a Girlfriend
Finish the mission 'That Bitch' in Chapter I.

Unlockable: Football Jersey
Finish Chapter IV.

Hint - Dunce Hat:

Go to the boys locker room and turn on the showers for a free dunce hat.

Hint - Easy Gym Challenge:
Beat all the challenges in the gym, once you've done this, you'll be able to challenge everyone anytime. The key to the easy money is to go up to the line every time, press Circle to jump, and while in mid-air, press X to throw. You'll knock em down every time!

Hint - English Class Word Puzzle Answers:
Hate anagrams and word puzzles? Just copy/paste and print the following solutions for passing English class quickly. It's not cheating if your teacher doesn't know about the PS2 controller plugged into your brain.

English Class 1 -- Create 7 words from the letters "ELMOLW". Here are some (game legal) words to use for this puzzle: Ell, Elm, Low, Mel, Mew, Mol, Mow, Ole, Owe, Owl, Lowe, Meow, Mewl, Mole, Moll, Well, Mellow.

English Class 2 -- Create 14 words from the letters "THFSGI". Here are some (game legal) words to use for this puzzle: Fig, Fit, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Figs, Fish, Fist, Fits, Gift, Gist, Hits, Sift, Sigh, This, Fight, Gifts, Shift, Sight, Fights.

English Class 3 -- Create 15 words from the letters "ELISSM". Here are some (game legal) words to use for this puzzle: Elm, Ism, Lei, Lie, Mil, Elms, Isle, Isms, Leis, Less, Lies, Lime, Mess, Mile, Mils, Miss, Semi, Sims, Slim, Isles, Limes, Miles, Seism, Semis, Slime, Slims, Smile, Slimes, Smiles.

English Class 4 -- Create 19 words from the letters "RAOCYN". Here are some (game legal) words to use for this puzzle: Any, Arc, Can, Car, Cay, Con, Coy, Cry, Nay, Nor, Oar, Ran, Ray, Roc, Yon, Corn, Cory, Cyan, Narc, Racy, Roan, Yarn, Acorn, Corny, Crony, Rayon, Crayon.

English Class 5 -- Create 22 words from the letters "DGRAGE". Here are some (game legal) words to use for this puzzle: Age, Are, Dag, Ear, Egg, Era, Erg, Gad, Gag, Rag, Red, Aged, Dare, Dear, Drag, Dreg, Egad, Gage, Gear, Grad, Rage, Read, Agger, Grade, Raged, Dagger, Ragged

Hint - Easy Freak Show Money:
To make a lot of money fast, go to the freak show and make a bet (max bet is $100) on the wrestling match. You can pick either wrestler to win, it doesn't matter. Stand next to the ring when the match starts.

Eventually the wrestlers will get close enough to you that you can land a few punches to the one you bet against. Be careful not to punch your own wrestler! This will knock his health way down and he'll be finished off easily.

You'll get a "Violence Against Children" in your violence meter, but it doesn't matter because there aren't any police in the freak show tent.

Hint - M80s and Water Balloons:
I don't know if anyone else had a problem finding these things, but they aren't too hard to acquire. The Volcano 4000 firework is located in certain lockers; they appear more often after all missions are beaten.

As for the water balloons, they will be unlocked once you help the guy on top of the building next to the bike shop in Bullworth Town. Jump the fence in the back and climb the ladder to get them. From then on you may fill balloons at any source of water (water pipes, drinking fountains, etc.).

Easter Egg - Schoolgirl Upskirt Shots:

If you want to check out Mandy's panties, snipe her with your slingshot from the tree on the football field and she'll fall to the ground and roll around

Now wait for your trouble meter to empty, hop out of the tree, walk over and have a look up her skirt. All the other girls wear white underroos. Nail them with a projectile from afar and quickly hop in a trashcan before you're seen. When your trouble meter dies down, go have a look.

Even Ms. Danvers (Crabblesnitch's secretary) fancies white underwear. When she grabs you for being naughty, stomp her foot and take a peak while she's hopping up and down.

Hint - Rule The Day At Dodgeball:
While playing Dodgeball in the gym, you can stop the game by pressing the L2 button (Help) during the time the game is stopped no hits will be counted. So to use this in your favour, move as far away from the person with the ball, wait till the ball gets thrown, and hit L2. The ball will hit you but it won't count; then just pick it up and do the jumpshot and you will be winning in no time!

Hint - Go-Kart:
To get the go-kart on the street you have to complete all the carnival circuit races. Once you have, there are additional go-kart street races. When you have done those, the go-kart will be found near your garage next to the autoshop.

PS2 Tenchu 3: Wrath of Heaven Cheats

Unlock the Demo Level:
At the ''Start Screen'' press:
Up, Down, Right, Left, X, X, X

You will now be able to play the level that was available on the free Demo disc prior to the game's release.

Unlock Bonus Stage:
At the Title Screen press:
L1, Up, R1, Down, L2, Right, R2, Left

Restore Health:
Pause game and then press:
Up, down, Right, Left, Square, Square, Square

All characters:
Press L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Left, L3, R3 at the title screen.

All story mode missions:
Press L1, R1, L2, R2, Right, Square, L3, R3 at the mission selection screen in story mode.

All multi-player mode missions:
Press L1, R1, L2, R2, Right, Square, L3, R3 at the mission selection screen in multi-player mode.

All mission layouts:
Press R3, L3, R2, L2, R1, L1 at the mission selection screen.

Toggle special abilities:
Press Start to pause game play, then hold L1 + L2 and press Up(2), Down(2). Release L1 + L2 and press Square(2), R1, R2.

Bonus Rikimaru stage:
Press L1, Up, R1, Down, L2, Right, R2, Left at the title screen.

Hidden level:
Press Up, Down, Right, Left, X(3) at the title screen to unlock the level used in the game's demo.

Recover health:
Press Start to pause game play and press Up, Down, Right, Left, Square(3).

Unlock all items:
Hold R1 + L1 and press Up, Square(2), Left, Square(2), Down, Square(2), Right, Square(2) at the item selection screen .

Increase items:
Hold R2 + L2 and press Square(3), Up, Left, Down, Right at the item selection screen

Unlimited item capacity:
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square(3), Up, Left, Down, Right, Square, Up, Right, Down, Left at the item selection screen. Although you can only still carry six different items, you can have an unlimited amount of those specific items.

Display score and time:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right(2), Left(2) on controller two.

Increase score:
Press Start to pause game play, then hold L1 + R1 and press Right(2), Left(2) on controller two to add 100 points to your score.

B-side dialogue:
Hold L1 + R2 and press Down, Square, Up, Square, Right, Square, Left, Square at the opening screen with the Tenchu logo. Select "Options", then "Audio", then "Language" to access the "B-Side" option to play the game with joke and outtake-style dialogue.

Increase Items:
At the Item Selection Screen hold R2 + L2 while pressing:
Square, Square, Square, Up, Left, Down, Right

Unlock All Missions:
At the Mission Selection Screen press:
L1, R1, L2, R2, Right, Square, L3, R3

Unlock all Characters:
At the Title Screen press:
L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Left, L3, R3

Unlock All Layouts:
At the Mission Selection Screen press:
R3, L3, R2, L2, R1, L1

Unlock all Items:
At the Item Selection screen hold R1 + L1 while pressing:
Up, Square, Square, Left, Square, Square, Down, Square, Square, Right, Square, Square.

Versus Characters:
How to unlock all Versus characters for Multiplayer:

Tesshu - Beat every level with Rikimaru and Ayame
Taijima - Beat 1st level with either Rikimaru or Ayame
Nasu - Beat 1st level with Rikimaru or 2nd level with Ayame
Hamada - Beat 2nd level with Rikimaru or 3rd level with Ayame
Jonin Red - Beat 3rd level with Rikimaru or 8th level with Ayame
Jonin Blue - Beat 4th level with Rikimaru or 8th level with Ayame
Chibot - Beat 6th level with Rikimaru or 6th level with Ayame
Kunoichi - Beat 9th level with either Rikimaru or Ayame
Kagura - Beat 8th level with Rikimaru or 9th level with Ayame
Kenpo Bouzu - Beat 8th level with Rikimaru or 9th level with Ayame
Semimaru - Grandmaster every level of Rikimaru's
Jinnai - Beat 6th level with Tesshu
Onikage - Beat 5th level with Rikimaru or 6th level with Ayame
Ninja Dog - Grandmaster every level of Ayame's
Tatsumaru - Beat 10th level with either Rikimaru or Ayame
Mr. D Ceo - Beat Through the Portal (extra mission) with Rikimaru

Easy kills:
Once you got the last special attack (Wrath Of Heaven), use it to take out Bosses. Throw a smoke bomb in front of them, because it takes time to charge. Also make sure you have plenty of health potions. Rikimaru's move is the longest, while Ayame's is fast and deadly.

PS2 Black Cheats

Unlock the BFG for Veblensk City:
Enter the password as your profile name, including the hyphens.

Unlocks BFG for Veblensk City  - 4SUD-A2DX-8EBU-KFFX

BFG Code:
Enter the following code to enable access to the BFG.


City Streets level-Unlock BFG (M249 Machine Gun) Cheat:
Enter any of the following codes as your profile name. Make sure you include the - symbol when entering the code (it's next to the ! symbol). After entering the code and clicking "Done", you'll be able to enter your real profile name. This is how you know the code was accepted. When you begin the first level, you'll have an M249 machine gun instead of your normal gun.

Unlocks BFG gun for City Streets level - EG4P-ZGUJ-6SQJ-3X68
Unlocks BFG gun for City Streets level - HQ6G-ZP3B-C5LE-WMXA
Unlocks BFG gun for City Streets level - 5SQQ-STHA-ZFFV-7XEV

By completing the game on the various difficulty settings, you will unlock a certain reward.
Silver Weapons (unlimited ammo)    Complete the game on either the Normal or Hard difficulty setting to unlock them for that difficulty level.

Black Ops difficulty setting - Complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting.
Have M16A2-All Levels  - Complete the game on the Black Ops difficulty setting. The M16A2 can be used on any difficulty setting once unlocked.

PS2 BMX XXX Cheats

Unlock ALL bikes:
Enter the password 65 SWEET RIDES at the cheat menu to unlock ALL bikes.
How to unlock ALL movies:
Enter the password CHAMPAGNE ROOM
How to unlock All Levels:
Enter the password XXX RATED CHEAT
Unlock Stage Select:
Enter the password MASS HYSTERIA at the cheat menu to unlock stage select
How to unlock Las Vegas FMV 2:
Enter the password TASSLE
How to unlock Las Vegas Level:
Enter the password SHOWMETHEMONEY
Unlock Itchi's bikes:
Enter the password ITCHI594 at the cheat menu to unlock Itchi's bikes.
Unlock Joyride's bikes:
Unlock Enter the password JOYRIDE18 at the cheat menu to unlock Joyride's bikes.
Unlock Amish Boy:
Enter the password ELECTRICITYBAD at the cheat menu to unlock Amish Boy.
Unlock Amish Boy's bikes:
Enter the password AMISHBOY1699 at the cheat menu to unlock Amish Boy's bikes.
Unlock Hellkitty's bikes:
Enter the password HELLKITTY487 at the cheat menu to unlock Hellkitty's bikes.
Unlock Karma's bikes:
Enter the password KARMA311 at the cheat menu to unlock Karma's bikes.
Unlock La'tey's bikes:
Enter the password LATEY411 at the cheat menu to unlock La'tey's bikes.
Unlock Nutter's bikes:
Enter the password NUTTER290 at the cheat menu to unlock Nutter's bikes.
Unlock Rave's bikes:
Enter the password RAVE10 at the cheat menu to unlock Rave's bikes.
Unlock Skeeter's bikes:
Enter the password SKEETER666 at the cheat menu to unlock Skeeter's bikes.
Unlock Manuel's bikes:
Enter the password MANUEL415 at the cheat menu to unlock Manuel's bikes.
Unlock Mika's bikes:
Unlock Enter the password MIKA362436 at the cheat menu to unlock Mika's bikes.
Unlock Tripledub's bikes:
Enter the password TRIPLEDUB922 at the cheat menu to unlock Tripledub's bikes.
Unlock Twan's bikes:
Enter the password TWAN187 at the cheat menu to unlock Twan's bikes.
Unlock Green skin mode:
Enter the password MAKEMEANGRY at the cheat menu to unlock the green skin in create a rider mode.
Unlock Happy bunny mode:
Enter the password FLUFFYBUNNY at the cheat menu.
Unlock Super crash mode:
Enter the password HEAVYPETTING at the cheat menu.
Unlock Night vision mode:
Enter the password 3RD SOG at the cheat menu.
Unlock Guided ghost rides:
Enter the password GHOSTCONTROL at the cheat menu.
Unlock All gaps visible:
Enter the password PARABOLIC at the cheat menu to display all gaps with big orange parabolas.
Unlock Bonus FMV #1:
Enter the password THISISBMXX at the cheat menu
Unlock Bonus FMV:
Enter the password KEEPITDIRTY at the cheat menu
Unlock Dam FMV:
Enter the password Boing at the cheat menu
Unlock Launch Pad 69 FMV #1:
Enter the password IFLINGPOO at the cheat menu
Unlock Launch Pad 69 FMV #2:
Enter the password PEACH at the cheat menu
Unlock Bronx FMV #1:
Enter the password LAPDANCE at the cheat menu
Unlock Bronx FMV #2:
Enter the password STRIPTEASE at the cheat menu
Unlock Sheep Hill FMV #1:
Enter the password ONEDOLLAR at the cheat menu
Unlock Sheep hill FMV #2:
Enter the password 69 at the cheat menu
Unlock Syracuse FMV #1:
Enter the password FUZZYKITTY at the cheat menu
Unlock Syracuse FMV #2:
Enter the password MICHAELHUNT at the cheat menu
Unlock UGP Roots Jam FMV #2:
Enter the password BOOTYCALL at the cheat menu
Unlock Rampage Skatepark FMV #2:
Enter the password BURLESQUE at the cheat menu
Enter the password DDUULRRLDRSQUARE at the cheat menu
Unlock rampage Level:
Enter the password IOWARULES at the cheat menu
Unlock Dam Level:
Enter the password THATDAMLEVEL at the cheat menu
Unlock Roots Level:
Enter the password UNDERGROUND at the cheat menu
Unknown Cheats:
Enter one of these at the cheat menu

PS2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheats

 Cheat: Infinite Lung Capacity
During game play press DOWN, LEFT, L1, DOWN, DOWN, R2, DOWN, L2, DOWN

Cheat: Cars Fly

During game play press UP, DOWN, L1, R1, L1, RIGHT, LEFT, L1, LEFT

Cheat: Taxis Have Nitrous and L3 Bunny Hop

During game play press UP, X, TRIANGLE, X, TRIANGLE, X, SQUARE, R2, RIGHT

Cheat: Weapon Aiming While Driving

During game play press UP, UP, SQUARE, L2, RIGHT, X, R1, DOWN, R2, CIRCLE

Cheat: Traffic is Fast Cars

During game play press UP, L1, R1, UP, RIGHT, UP, X, L2, X, L1

Cheat: Reduced Traffic

During game play press X, DOWN, UP, R2, DOWN, TRIANGLE, L1, TRIANGLE, LEFT

Cheat: Spawn Dozer

During game play press R2, L1, L1, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, X, L1, LEFT

Cheat: Gangs Control the Streets

During game play press L2, UP, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, R1, R2, RIGHT, DOWN

Cheat: Massive Bunny Hops

CJ has the ability to bunny hop on the bmx over massive distances: TRIANGLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2

Cheat: Beach Party

Pedestrians turn into girls wearing swimsuits. Vehicles are also beach style and CJ will be dressed in shorts and sandals. While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas enter: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, SQUARE, CIRCLE, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, DOWN

Cheat: Spawns a Stunt Plane


Cheat: Monster Truck


Cheat: Vehicle of Death

Any vehicle the player is using becomes invincible and gains the ability to instantly destroy anything it touches. L1, L2, L2, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, R1, R2, R2

Cheat: Get Parachute

LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, L1

Cheat: Full Health, Full Armor, $250,000

To have all of the above, press the following while playing GTA: San Andreas: R1, R2, L1, X, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP.

Cheat: Weapon Set 2

To unlock the Knife, Pistol, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec 9, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher in Unlock some new rides in GTA: San Andreas enter: R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT.

Cheat: Weapon Set 3

You can unlock the Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, M4, Bazooka, Plastic Explosive in Unlock some new rides in GTA: San Andreas during gameplay by pressing R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN.

Cheat: Weapon Set 1

To unlock the Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK 47, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Spray Can, Brass Knuckles in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas enter: R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Cheat: Get Rhino

To make a Rhino tank fall from the sky, press the following during gameplay: CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, L2, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE.

Cheat: Wanted Level Up

To raise your Wanted Level, enter the following during gameplay: R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT.

Cheat: Spawn Caddy

During game play Press CIRCLE, L1, UP, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, CIRCLE, X

Cheat: Spawn Stretch

During game play press R2, UP, L2, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT.

Cheat: Drive on Water

During game play press RIGHT, R2, CIRCLE, R1, L2, SQUARE, R1, R2

Cheat: Black traffic

While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas press CIRCLE, L2, UP, R1, LEFT, X, R1, L1, LEFT, CIRCLE

Cheat: Pink Traffic

During game play press CIRCLE, L1, DOWN, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE

Cheat: Flying boats

During game play press R2, CIRCLE, UP, L1, RIGHT, R1, RIGHT, UP, SQUARE, TRIANGLE

Cheat: Spawn Bloodring Banger

During game play press DOWN, R1, CIRCLE, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, LEFT, LEFT

Cheat: Spawn Ranger

During game play press UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, L1, RIGHT, UP, SQUARE, L2.

Cheat: Spawn Hotring Racer 1

During game play press R1, CIRCLE, R2, RIGHT, L1, L2, X, X, SQUARE, R1.

Cheat: Spawn Hotring Racer 2

During game play press R2, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT, L1, R1, RIGHT, UP, CIRCLE, R2.

Cheat: Spawn Romero

During game play press DOWN, R2, DOWN, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, LEFT, RIGHT.

Cheat: Bounty on Your Head

While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas press DOWN, UP, UP, UP, X, R2, R1, L2, L2.

Cheat: Perfect Handling

During game play press TRIANGLE, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L1.

Cheat: Aggressive Traffic

While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas press R2, CIRCLE, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L2

Cheat: Spawn Trashmaster

During game play press CIRCLE, R1, CIRCLE, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT

Cheat: Blow Up All Cars

To make all vehicles explode, press the following during gameplay: R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, L2, L1.

Cheat: Wanted Level Down

To erase your Wanted Level, enter the following during gameplay: R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN.

Cheat: Suicide

RIGHT, L2, DOWN, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, L2, L1

Cheat: Sunny Weather

R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, SQUARE

Cheat: Foggy Weather

During game play press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X

Cheat: Slower Game Play

During game play press TIRANGLE, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, SQUARE, R2, R1

Cheat: Faster Game Play

During game play press TRIANGLE, UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, L2, L1, SQUARE

Cheat: Rainy Weather

During game play press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, CIRCLE

Cheat: Overcast Weather

R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, TRIANGLE

Cheat: Pedestrians Have Weapons


Cheat: Pedestrian Riot- Cannot be disabled

DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, X, R2, R1, L2, L1

Cheat: Faster Clock


Cheat: Faster Cars

RIGHT, R1, UP, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R1, R1

Unlockable List:

* Weapons in Kitchen

To enable the Ak-47, Tec-9, Sawn-Off Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails to spawn in the Johnson's Family Home complete all 100 tags in Los Santos.

* Extra 50 Percent Health

To enable 50 percent extra health complete level 12 of the paramedic mission.

* Fireproof

To enable fireproof complete level 12 of the fire fighter missions.

* Pimping mission

To start the pimping mission, enter a broadway (low-rider vehicle) and press R3. Drive the prostitutes to their destinations for big cash. After the tenth "trick" prostitutes PAY you rather than you paying them.

* Nitro Taxi

To enable all the taxis in the game to have nitro drop off 50 people in the taxi mission. By pressing R3 the taxi can now hop and by pressing L1 or circle the taxi uses nitro.

Cheat: Spawn Jetpack

During game play press L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.

Hint: Video Game in Johnson House

When you enter the Johnson house there is a TV to your right with a game console on the floor in front of it, if you approach it, it will give the option to play a "Starship" game.

Cheat: CJ Phone Home

CJ has the ability to bunny hop on the BMX over massive distances, reaching heights of over 100 feet. Press Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2 during gameplay.

Cheat: Vehicle of Death

Whatever vehicle the player is using becomes invulnerable and gains the old tank ability to instantly destroy anything it touches. This applies to everything from the cars to motorcycles, golf carts, and even BMX bikes. Press L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2 during gameplay.

Cheat: Maximum Muscle

Maximum muscle instantly. Press Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left during gameplay.

Cheat: Jump High

CJ can now jump 10 times as high as before. That's right, CJ's getting higher than ever. Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, R2, R2.

Cheat: ATV Quad

Spawns a quad that drops down right in front of CJ. While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2.

Cheat: Hydra

Spawns a Hydra in front of CJ. Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up.

Cheat: Vortex Hovercraft

Spawns a hovercraft in front of CJ. Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down.

Cheat: Skinny

CJ loses all the fat and the muscle to turn into one scrawny gangster. Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Right.

Cheat: Fatty

CJ turns into one hell of a tubby. Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down.

Cheat: Orange Sky and Time Stopped at 21:00

During game play press LEFT, LEFT, L2, R1, RIGHT, SQUARE, SQUARE, L1, L2, X

Cheat: Funhouse Theme


Cheat: Super-Punch

During gameplay, press UP, LEFT, X, TRIANGLE, R1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L2. A message will confirm code entry. This will allow you to launch people when you punch them and finish them with a one hit kill.

Cheat: Recruit Pedestrians to Gang

Press DOWN, SQUARE, UP, R2, R2, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP. A message will confirm code entry. You should be able to take anyone into your gang like pedestrians and rival gangs.

Cheat: Sandstorm

To make a sandstorm enter UP,DOWN,L1,L1,L2,L2,L1,L2,R1,R2

Cheat List:

* Chaos Mode: L2, RIGHT, L1, TRAINGLE, RIGHT, RIGHT, R1, L1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1

* Spawn Hunter: CIRCLE, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, R1 R2, L2, L1, L1

* Spawn Tanker: R1, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, R2, UP, RIGHT, SQUARE, RIGHT, L2, L1, L1

* All cars have Nitros: LEFT, TRIANGLE, R1, L1, UP, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, DOWN, CIRCLE, L2, L1, L1

* Maximum Vehicle Stats: SQUARE, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1

* Hitman in all weapons: DOWN, SQUARE, X, LEFT, R1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, L1, L1, L1

* Maximum Respect: L1, R1, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R2, X, L1, UP, L2, L2, L1, L1


* Traffic is country vehicles (minus hillbilly gear): TRIANGLE, LEFT, SQUARE, R2, UP, L2, DOWN, L1, X, L1, L1, L1

* Cloudy Weather: L2, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, SQUARE, LEFT, R2, SQUARE, X, R1, L1, L1

* Peds Attack (guns): X, L1, UP, SQUARE, DOWN, X, L2, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R1, L1, L1

* All traffic is crap cars: L2, RIGHT, L1, UP, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1

* Infinite Ammo: L1, R1, SQUARE, R1, LEFT, R2, R1, LEFT, SQUARE, DOWN, L1, L1

Cheat: Night

During gameplay, enter R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, TRIANGLE.

Cheat; Insane Handling

During gameplay enter TRIANGLE, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L1.

Cheat: All Traffic is Junk Cars

Enter L2, RIGHT, L1, UP, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1.

Unlockable: Dating Rewards

* Medic Outfit: 100% with Katie Zhan

* Pimp Outfit: 100% with Denise Robinson
* Racing Outfit: 100% with Michelle
* Police Outfit: 100% with Barbara
* Keep weapon after getting busted: Date Barbara
* Keep weapon after getting wasted: Date Katie

Unlockable: Secret Vehicles

Unlock some new rides in GTA: San Andreas by following these directions:

* BF Injection: Get First place at the Dirt ring race Las Venturas Stadium.

* Super GT: Get all Bronze medal in Driving school.
* Dune Buggy: Beat the score of 25 at the Dirt Ring.
* Hotknife: Get all gold medals in the Driving school.
* Jet Pack: Complete the Airstip asset near Las Venturas.
* NRG 500: Get all gold medals in Bike School. This bike can be found quite easily in a car park near the Johnson house.
* Rustler: Get all Bronze medal in pilot school.
* Freeway: Get all Bronze awards in Bike School.
* Hotring racer: Get First place in 8-Track.
* Monster Truck: Win it by beatin the 8-Track Tournament.
* Stunt plane: Get all silver medals at the pilot school.

Unlockable: Date for Cars

Get the relationship to 50%

* Bandito: Date Helena

* Club: Date Millie
* Green hustler: Date Denise
* Monster Truck: Date Michelle
* Ranger: Date Barbara
* Romero: Date Katie

Hint: Play Basketball

Head to the left of Sweet's house (and go into the back yard) in your neighborhood to find a basketball court. Pick up the ball and follow the onscreen instructions to play some hoop.

Head out behind your house in Los Santos and go down into the aqueduct. Go down the slope and head right along the walkway to locate a nice Mini SMG. You'll also find a pistol in Sweet's backyard.

Hint: Easy Body Armor

Go out behind the house and into the aqueduct to the left. Go down the sloped wall of the aqueduct and head left. On an incline underneath the bridge, you'll find a handy vest.

Hint: Easy Money for Cleaning the Hood

Anytime you kill a drug dealer, you will net $2000. Drug dealers normally wear black jackets (some have white hoodies) and stand still waiting for people to talk to them. Kill as many as you can find to build up your cash stash quickly.

Hint: Snapshots

At 12:01 AM in San Fierro all of the snapshot areas glow.

Hint: GTA3

In the mission "Wu Zi Mu," your "girlfriend" will start to attack you and leave you for the character you play as in GTA3. The mission has you racing against him and 2 others. After the race they leave for Liberty city.

Hint: Secret Weapon

To find a unique weapon, head to the Police Department in Los Santos (or just get "Busted"). Enter the building and walk to the shower room. You'll find a sex toy that can be used as a melee weapon.

Hint: Quick Hood Defence

While playing the game, your hood will undergo attacks from other factions. To save yourself some time and end these disaster quickly, simply jack any vehice in which you can access extra missions using R3 (i.e., police vehicles, fire vehicles, taxicabs, ambulance, et al.). Start and end the extra mission (press R3 and exit the vehicle) and your hood will no longer undergo attack.

Hint: Super Bunny Hop

Grab a bicycle (this works better if your bike skills are all the way up) make sure you have a weapon you can fire on your bike, hold down L1, right. As you release L1 to bunny hop fire your gun (your timing must be perfect but it gets easier), if your bike skills are high you will be able to clear stop lights and get on top of sum buildings easily! This comes in handy!

Hint - 2P Select-A-Drive-By-Shooting

During co-op, you can use the weapon codes to alter the weapon used for drive-bys. Once you have a "normal" drive-by weapon, expend all the ammo and select a different weapon (rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and grenades are invalid).

Board a vehicle with the selected weapon and input any weapon cheat again (refills ammo). The weapon you selected will now be usable for drive-by mode.

Glitch: Zap The Hood

When attempting a take over of a hood, exploit the game by looking for a nearby body of water deep enough for CJ to actually swim in.

Get into the water then swim back out and a message will apear claiming that the hood is yours.

Easter Egg: No Easter Egg

Fly up to the southern support beam of the Gant Bridge with the jet pack for a special message.

Easter Egg: Hoodlum Noteriety

When you finish some missions (for example: 555 we tip) listen to the radio. You'll hear the person talking about the mission just passed.

Easter Egg: Rockstar Cameos

In one of Zero's mission, where you have to use the machine gun to knock down the RC planes, you can see some action figures of Rockstar characters like Tommy Vercetti, Lance Vance, as well as characters from other games in Rockstar's line-up during Zero's dialogue.

Hint: Bullet Proof Cars

During the mission "High Stakes, Low Rider", keep the competition closely behind you until the pier finish line. Once the race is over the other cars appear behind you.

With another car or by just walking, push Ceasar's red car up the pier and over the edge of the sidewalk into your nearby safe house garage to the left. What's the point of all this? Not only is it a pimp red car, it's also BULLET PROOF, which helps alot this early in the game.

Easter Egg: Inside-Out-Town

Note: This will corrupt your save file due to the cheat involved; for best results, pull out your PS2 memory card prior to your attempt.

1. Go to the gym in Ganton

2. Kill all 4 people inside.
3. Use the jetpack cheat.
4. Walk to the yellow marker with the jetpack, and fly straight up. You'll go straight up through the roof. Now, land on the roof.
5. Fly 2 blocks east, and you'll see a yellow marker. Land right on/near the marker, take off the jetpack, and walk inside the marker.
6. You'll enter the Angel Pine Motel building. Grab your jetpack (if you see it), or respawn it again with a cheat.
7. You can now fly up, and around the interior universe.